Mommy has been trying to upload this photo to stoopid blogger for a day and a half now. STOOPID blogger...
So, Happy Belated Mancat Monday!!
We forgot to mention in our last post that we had so much fun getting our Secret Paw package ready to send out! Our Secret Paw this year was Laila and Minchie. We had so much fun shopping and getting their package ready. We hope they enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together for them!! Meowy Christmouse Laila and Minchie!!
P.S. Mommy says here is a funny story for the beans.... When she was at the post office, she had about 8 different packages to mail including our secret paw package. She was doing the labels and realized that she let us draw all over the one to some of our bean family in Arizona. We wrote "Shhhhh... It's Your Secret Paw" and "Meowy Christmouse" and some other stuff. Mommy did a quick check and saw that and thought oh well... it's going to our beans in Az anyway. Then she drew on Laila and Minchie's package just like we drew for them on the package that went to our beans. Ha! Mommy had a good laugh about that one.
Very cute story about what happened at the Post Office! We especially liked all the writing on the box. Mom promised us we could open it up after dinner! Hopefully she'll get some good pictures of us. We are so excited! We had more fun with the Secret Paw presents than any others. We can't wait! Hurry home Mom!
Hahahahaha - that is a funny story!
Thank you guys so much for your holiday card! We really appreciate it but have to hang out heads in shame as we are not sending out ANY cards. The staff said NO, and that was the end of it....
We will post a card on our blog for everyone, they can't forbid us to do that!
The Cat Realm
Lol...Cute story.Merry Christmas :)
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