We officially declare today Moody Mancat Monday. Our blurpy sister got up real real early and woke up mommy and daddy and us and we all were awake from about 2:30-4:30am. Then, when the blurp finally decided to go back to sleep, Ollie decided to play the Push Things Off the Nightstand Loudly game and this made mommy and daddy very annoyed. So, we're all a bit "moody" today. Lack of sleep and patience will do that to the best of us, right??

But on a positive note we want to also say how grateful we are for some wonderful awardies we have received (even though Mommy didn't help us thank you on the bloggie sooner). LC, Ayla and Iza gave us the "Friends' awardie! We are so honored - thank you guys!! And, we also received a "Love Ya" awardie from Teri and the cats of Furrydance. Actually, we think they are the same award with different names perhaps. Thank you for such sweet and fun awards!!
So, better late than never but we will now pass along these great awardies, too. Here are the roolz: “LOVE YA” award-winner… These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
First, we'd like to pass along the Love Ya Award to the following 8 kitties or kitty houses:
1. Adan & Lego
2. Monty Q.
3. Kimo & Sabi
4. Chase
5. Honey P. Sunshine
6. The Ballicai
7. The Cat Realm
8. Daisy and Harley
And, for the Friends Award we would like to share that with the following 8 kitties or kitty houses:
1. Casbah Kitten
2. The Whippy Curly Tails
3. Donny, Marie and Casey
4. Parker
5. Laila and MInchie (whose Mommy's birthday is today, too! Happy Birthday to their Momma)
6. Miss Peach
7. Derby
8. Mickey, Georgie & Tillie
Whew! That is a lot of kitties! We LOVE YA all our dear FRIENDS!!
ps. We never thanked our friends who sent us some beautiful Valentines! We got the most gorgeous handmade one from our friend Miss Peach and we also got a holiday pack assortment with a Christmas card and a Valentine from ">Kimo, Sabi and their blurpy girl Kiera! Thanks for these wonderful Valentines, friends!!
Hi guys! Thank you SO much for the Friends award! That's so cool. Sorry bout your blurpy not sleeping well...maybe everyone can take a nice long nap today...
Congratulations on your awards! And thank you so much for passing one to Harley and I too!
awwww. thanks!! you are sooo sweet. Chase is currently curled up under a feather blanket where she will most likely sleep the next 15 hours nonstop. It is her favorite spot- especially at night. Have a wonderful week..
much love,
chase and chase's bean-mel
oooo...my hansum boyz...me and mommie luf yoos too. thankd fur the awardie
Thanks so much for the Friends award! That was so sweet of you. We are so glad to be your friends.
Fanks for the shout out ... Our Mom gotz so stressy from her work that she took some tylenall PM & has been sleepin. But she started our list ... We told her to buck up & stand tall ... With Treats!
You made her day with this bloggy treat!!!!
Ps Hope the blurpy is betta!!
Awwww, fellers! ConCATulashuns on yur awardie. It's furry well deserved! And thankies fur passin it on to us Ballicai. You are so sweet, and we are honored!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oah Dear,
Must be really tough waking up by your blurby that early~!!!
Congratulations on your award~!!!
And thank you so much passing the award to me~!
Big hugs!
Oh dearest friends! Thank you for passing on the sweet awardie to me. I feel very honored to have it. you have done a fine job selecting friends to pass them all on too. That is always a big choice to make.
Thank you also for the sweetest little valentine card you sent to me...so cute! Just like in grade school! I am glad you liked mine too!
We all need a lot of sleep here at the cottage so I am getting back to it. hope the baby will get to sleep too and you guys stay out of trouble....
Love Miss Peach
Oh those awards are lovely! I hope you all get caught up on your naps!
Thank-you very much for thinking of me, I am honored!
Congratulations!!! And thank you so much for thinking of us and passing an award to us!!! We very much appreciate it!
And don't worry about Notty and Luna's changed status - you were not the only ones to miss that, hahahahahahahahaha!
And how embarrassed should we be - we didn't send out ANY valentine.....
We are actually EXTREMELY neglecting the whole blogging right now...... But we think of all of you every day!
Gee!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for the award!!!!! We are so happy you thought of us :)
WE giggled at Ollie playing that game when everyone was trying to sleep,heeheehee
That's not that way to get treats!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I got the most wonderful valentine from you guys yesterday!
Thank-you! That was so sweet! You made my day!
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