If you live in Pennsylvania, please help support HB 73 which is trying to end pigeon shoots in this state once and for all. Be vocal and tell your legislators that you won't stand for this barbaric practice to continue in our state any longer.
Anyone who is interested in reading a really excellent book about pigeons should read Pigeons, The Fascinating Saga of the World's Most Revered and Reviled Bird by Andrew Blechman. Bleckman explores all aspects of the world of pigeons from the cruel and inhuame world of live shoots to bird shows and pigeon races and much more. He gives an excellent unbiased account of how this amazing bird has impacted our lives and how we humans have impacted pigeons.
Piegons in the park enjoying life.
We have lots of pigeons here, too.
Especially the metro station around, lots of lots of pigeons there ~!!
If I dare to go out, I would go there~!!!
I love pigeons, they are my very best friend~!!!
It makes my Mommy ashamed to be a human...
You are very right. Pigeons are meant for us to watch and enjoy. That is a very cruel practice, and I hope the bill passes to end the pigeon shoots.
I agree this is very sad.
I would never shoot a pigeon. I would eat one, but never shoot one.
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